Category: Getting Started

Create your first job

Get started in ServeManager by creating your first job.

Log a Service Attempt

Log a service attempt from your desktop or mobile device.

Mobile App: Create a Service Attempt

Press the New Attempt button to begin creating a service attempt. (Make sure you have the proper job selected so you don’t accidentally create a service attempt for the wrong job. Verify the job you’re creating a new attempt for by using the job number, recipient name, or the job’s assigned client. You can use […]

Use An Electronic Signature

Enable the electronic signature account setting, so employees can save and apply their own signatures.

Job Filters

Use filters to locate/isolate/group together jobs in your account based on various criteria

Create an Affidavit

Steps on how to create an Affidavit in a Job.

Adding a Company

Steps on adding a new Company to your Companies menu.

Policy on importing legacy data

Our policy on importing legacy data is that we can import lists of clients and courts, but NOT job data.