
Jeremy Church

Posts by Jeremy Church

Resend an Invitation to Collaborate

Learn how to resend a collaboration invitation.

Using our API

ServeManager has a robust developer API which can be used to integrate with your system, a client’s, or third-party applications. Detailed instructions can be found in our API Documentation, and you can generate your own API key by following this guide.

How to use Server Pay

Use Server Pay to keep track of the money you owe to your servers!

How job numbers work

Job numbers are assigned consecutively across all ServeManager accounts, which means they may not be consecutive within your account, but they will always be sequential and greater than the previous job number.

Request changes to the field sheet

We can make some changes to the field sheet. Please contact customer support to request updates.

Stop collaborating with a client or server

If you wish to stop collaborating with a company or individual in ServeManager, please contact customer support with the details.

Request changes to the invoice or statement

We can make some changes to invoices and statements. Please contact customer support to request updates.

Cancel an invitation to collaborate

If you sent an invitation by accident, or no longer wish to collaborate with a company or individual, please contact customer support with the details.

How to become a process server

For more information on becoming a process server, please visit our sister site