Using the ServeManager Directory
The ServeManager Directory is an opt-in list of ServeManager users for the purpose of collaboration and sharing jobs. The directory is searchable based on address, city, state, or ZIP code criteria. The results will be sorted based on proximity to the location entered.

After finding the right server for the job, you can reach out either by phone or by sending an email message through the system. The idea is that once you come to an agreement with the potential contractor, you can enter their information when creating the new job and then send the collaboration invitation, resulting in your accounts being linked, and the job will then appear in their job list so they can begin working the job.
To add your company to the directory, go to My Account > Settings > ServeManager Directory then click the checkbox to show your company in the ServeManager Directory (make sure to press SAVE before leaving the settings page).
You will also be prompted to include a Company Description (limit 200 characters). This description will be visible to other users when your company appears in the search results.

- Updated May 25, 2022