Use An Electronic Signature
Electronic signatures are accepted by some clients and courts.
We recommend checking with your client and the court before using an electronic signature.
Enable electronic signatures
You can enable electronic signatures under My Account -> Settings -> Affidavits.
Invited contract process servers will need to enable electronic signatures on their own account before they can create a signature.
Create an electronic signature
To create an electronic signature go to My Account, edit your own user, then scroll to Electronic Signature.
We recommend creating the signature on a mobile device using your finger or a stylus.
To create your signature from the mobile app, open your ServeManager app, go to Account, click Add Electronic Signature and use your device’s touchscreen to create your signature. If your electronic signature is already saved, you’ll see the displayed signature along with an option to Delete the Signature and try again.
Note: if you don’t have the ServeManager App yet, you can download it below.
Apply electronic signature to an affidavit
When creating or editing an affidavit, scroll to the signature area and click the Sign & Save button to apply your electronic signature. Make sure you are editing the affidavit in order for the sign & save button to appear.
For security and authenticity, only the current user can apply their own electronic signature. Users cannot apply an electronic signature for other users.