Category: Collaboration

Collaborate with clients

Learn how to invite your clients into ServeManager to view job updates in real time.

Collaborate with contract process servers

  Collaboration invitations are sent from the Companies menu. Select the process serving company you’d like to invite (note: make sure the contractor is assigned to at least one job). Click the Invite & Collaborate button. ServeManager will ask if you want to invite the company as either a law firm or as a process server (read more about […]

Shared jobs count towards each member’s monthly job limit

Shared jobs count towards the total number of jobs you can create each month. Your monthly job count is the total number of jobs created by you, your employees, and jobs that were shared with you. If you need to increase your monthly job limit, you can upgrade your subscription by contacting customer support.

Collaboration Visibility

Modify visibility options for job updates.

Accept/Decline Workflow

To enable this workflow, go to My Account > Settings > Enable Job Accept Workflow. This will require contract servers to accept or decline new jobs before starting work. You can also choose the option “By default, require the contractor servers to accept or decline on new jobs.” This means that the option will be automatically […]

Share Service Instructions

When you receive a job from a client that has service instructions, you will see those instructions as normal When you edit the job, you will see those instructions as well as an editable box for your own instructions, you might see something like this if you were also forwarding the job to another server: […]

Resend an Invitation to Collaborate

Learn how to resend a collaboration invitation.

Using our API

ServeManager has a robust developer API which can be used to integrate with your system, a client’s, or third-party applications. Detailed instructions can be found in our API Documentation, and you can generate your own API key by following this guide.

Cancel an invitation to collaborate

If you sent an invitation by accident, or no longer wish to collaborate with a company or individual, please contact customer support with the details.

Stop collaborating with a client or server

If you wish to stop collaborating with a company or individual in ServeManager, please contact customer support with the details.

Collaborators can’t see miscellaneous attachments

Collaborators unable to view miscellaneous attachments? Learn how to fix this problem.