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Perform eService

After creating a job, you will see a new section in between Service Attempts and Notes called eService. Press the New eService button and you will be brought to a new screen. 


The new eService page allows you to send a private tokenized link to the recipient’s email address along with a custom message. This secure email will prompt them to click the link which will bring them to a ServeManager portal where they can download the documents to be served. The recipient will have to digitally sign their name and waive their right to physical service before they can download the documents.


Before sending the eService email, confirm the recipient’s name and email address (if you added the recipient’s email address when creating the job it will appear in the address field) as well as the custom message you would like for them to see.  

After sending eService you will now see a three-step sequence to the recipient downloading the documents. 


Back on the job screen, you will see an entry for the eService with a displayed status of the serve.


From here, we now wait for the recipient to receive an email that looks like this:


Once they click the secure link they will be brought to the ServeManager download portal.


1. Email Receipt Status

Upon clicking that link, the eService page will internally update it’s status and display a set of information including the date and time the link was clicked, the IP address of the Recipient’s computer, as well as the computer’s browser type and operating system.  eserve7

You will also see that the status has changed on the main job screen.


2. Waiver Status

After clicking that link and being transported to the ServeManager Portal, the recipient will see a breakdown on the left-hand side of the screen with the job’s case information and the process serving company (you) that is facilitating this eService. Before they can download the documents, the recipient must type out their name to digitally sign to waive their right to physical service. Once signed, the job will again update to show the recipient’s signed full name and the date/time of signing, along with an updated status on the job screen.


3. Documents Downloaded Status

After signing and accepting eService, the recipient can now download the documents to be served. The screen will display the document title along with the file name and size. Upon downloading, the eService page will once again update showing a successful download of the files along with a date/time of when the documents were downloaded. Once downloaded, the system will send a receipt email to the recipient as well as the process server that initiated the eService. The recipient’s receipt email will contain a link back to the secure portal if they need to re-download the files. The system will send a receipt email each time the recipient downloads the documents. The job activity will keep a detailed log of each update made in accordance to the serve.


Once all of these steps have been completed, the process server can then generate a special eService Affidavit that is modified to include the audit trail information of the email receipt status, the waiver status, and the document download status. As with other affidavits generated in the system, you will be able to print, save as a pdf file, or email to the client contact(s) through ServeManager.

F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) 

Does the recipient need a ServeManager account?

Recipients do not need an account with ServeManager to open the portal link to download their documents.

What is a secure private (tokenized) link?

The secure private link is random, unique, and unguessable per-eService. It is only provided via email to the recipient. The sender of the email will never have knowledge of the link. This prevents a recipient from claiming that the sender or someone else completed the eService download.

Can I change the email address or documents after an eService has been sent?

No. Once an eService is initiated, all details of the eService are locked. This is a critical part of having an accurate audit trail. If an eService was sent in error it can be deleted, which disables the secure private link.

Can I send multiple documents in one eService?

If you need to deliver multiple documents with an eService they need to be zipped into a single file. Having only one file to download per eService is easier for the recipient, allows better tracking of a completed eService, and prevents a situation where the recipient, either intentionally or by mistake, does not download all available files.

  • Updated Aug 19, 2020

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