Category: Customization

Company Listings

Once you have entered a company into your ServeManager account, you can recall that company information by selecting companies from your left toolbar and then choosing the company in question from that list. When you select a company listing, you’ll open a page that displays all of the information you have entered for a particular […]

Using our API

ServeManager has a robust developer API which can be used to integrate with your system, a client’s, or third-party applications. Detailed instructions can be found in our API Documentation, and you can generate your own API key by following this guide.

Upload Company Attachments

How to upload attachments into a company entry.

Request changes to the field sheet

We can make some changes to the field sheet. Please contact customer support to request updates.

Add a logo to the invoice

We can add a logo to your invoice on request. Please contact customer support, and they will assist you in this matter.

Request changes to the invoice or statement

We can make some changes to invoices and statements. Please contact customer support to request updates.

Add account aging summary to statements

Learn how to display an account aging table on statements to show totals of past due invoices.