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Company Listings

Once you have entered a company into your ServeManager account, you can recall that company information by selecting companies from your left toolbar and then choosing the company in question from that list.

When you select a company listing, you’ll open a page that displays all of the information you have entered for a particular company. The very top of this page displays the primary contact and the primary address, the right side displays the other information you recorded for this company.

Once a company has been created in your account, you can upload documents using the upload section. You can read more about company uploads here.

Above the primary information are tabs that organize the information that has been assigned to this company. So to view the jobs, court cases, invoices, payments received from this specific company, you can navigate to that information using the appropriate tab.

The green add note button allows you to record an internal note, only visible to you and you employees, that you can recall by opening a this company’s listing.

If you would like to share jobs with a particular company, you can open their company listing, and then select the invite and collaborate button. This button becomes available once the company has been assigned to at least one job. Collaboration is one of ServeManager’s most used features. You can read more about collaboration here.

When you open a company listing, you can edit that information by then selecting the edit button in the upper right corner. This will allow you to change their information and add contacts. Please note: If you add a contact to a company that you are collaborating with, you are adding a contact for you to email information to. You are not giving them access to their account. That collaborator can give that contact themselves by adding them as an employee

If you are no longer working with a particular company, we suggest archiving them. Archiving is an organizational function that allows you to maintain your information but not have to sort though it to find the jobs and companies you are actively working on and for. When you archive a company, that company listing will no longer appear when entering jobs. To recall an archived company, change the filter on the Companies page from active to archive.

  • Updated Dec 20, 2021

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